Now my lot looked like a piece of paper that had had all the writing erased. A little roughed-up sandy dirt remained…, like the rough places on a paper erased too hard.… A Spirit hovered there, not visible to the eye, but exquisitely visible to the heart.
— Sandra Lynn Price
Welcome, all who have ever suffered loss and those who care for them, all who have ever felt life has been erased too hard, but found Hope, Grace, and Wisdom. That Spirit “not visible to the eye, but exquisitely visible to the heart” lives in you and around you. It is the source of the Grace in which we dwell. It is the source of the Wisdom of your heart.
If you long for a deeper, more connected, and more meaningful life, your Heart Wisdom is your guide. That Heart Wisdom gives you the capacity to find Hope, Grace, and Acceptance in the midst of chaos and loss, in the muddle of important decisions…
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Sandra Lynn Price’s Story
Sandra Lynn Price is a voice of hope and healing in the aftermath of Katrina. She tells her story in a way that anyone who has experienced personal or wide-scale disaster can know both her anguish and joy, her moments of despair and confusion as well as wonder and hope. Through her sensitive storytelling, she takes her readers to a place where it is safe to remember their own difficult times and realize the Grace in which they dwelt, even when it was not apparent. While her story is deeply spiritual, it is not religious in the sense of the church dogma, but rather focuses on a deep connection to the Divine through all of life’s relationships with friends, family, nature, books, and our truest selves.
These people [who came, sent gifts, and prayed] have caused me to say of Katrina, “I wouldn’t have missed it for the world!” Not because it wasn’t hard. It was hard, still is in some ways. But because the Grace that came was so much greater than the suffering the storm brought.”
Thank you, for taking an interest in my work. Please feel free to contact me regarding any questions you may have about:
- scheduling a workshop or lecture,
- attending an event,
- purchasing an autographed copy(s) of Katrinia’s Grace,
- general information and/or comments about the book or your personal experiences.
When we face difficult situations such as: natural disasters or personal losses, we struggle with grief, worry and sometimes helplessness. When we serve others who are facing hard times, we can easily absorb their pain and grief, and we begin to have those feelings ourselves, or even worse, we suppress our feelings in order to serve. Then something comes that reminds us we dwell in Grace – a memory, a song, a bird, a word or deed from a friend or stranger, a sacred text – and we remember our faith, our wisdom and resilience. Quietly we regain hope and joy.