The stories in Katrina’s Grace are all about my experience of Grace after the storm. The stories here will go beyond Katrina and even beyond natural disaster for stories of Grace in many situations. I will be sharing more of my own stories and stories others share.

Resurrection Ferns

This past week-end I had the pleasure of being with my friends in their home in Yalobusha County, Mississippi. Deep in the woods away from highways and city lights, they have created a sanctuary of cabin, covered porches, and gardens. From the woods they have brought stones of all kinds and sizes to create a…


Katrina’s Grace Dedication

On April 12, at my home church, Trinity Presbyterian Church in Starkville, MS, we dedicated Katrina’s Grace. The whole worship service was built around Grace and hope following disaster. The biblical story was about the disciples gathered in a room, afraid, dismayed, confused, after Jesus’ body had disappeared. They had suffered the greatest disaster imaginable.…
