“As a grief counselor, I highly recommend this book to anyone who is living with the grief process. View the rich, vivid verbal images and experience the visceral, gut-wrenching awareness of the healing process that follows human tragedy. Sandra is a healer and those who read this book will catch a glimpse of the Master Healer’s Grace. For someone who visited the Gulf Coast after Katrina, witnessed the residents try to cope with loss, destruction, invasion of privacy, hopelessness, fear, uncertainty. This book is a reminder of the human struggle for survival, meaning, and hope. I was reminded of the vast array of emotions I witnessed in the eyes of those who remained. Sandra has recaptured the essence of that struggle through the images, emotions, recollections, and memoirs of her own journey to wholeness. Sandra is a visual artist. She paints vivid word memories of the devastation, aftermath, and healing process that she experienced with Hurricane Katrina.”